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Judy Vaughn
Judy was born on October 27th, 1952 and passed away on September 28th, 2024 at the age of 71
Judy Vaughn, age 71, of Stockbridge, Georgia, died September 28, 2024. She was born October 27, 1952, and lived a life filled with joy, creativity, and an enduring commitment to her family. She loved fishing and had even named her fishing pole "Blue". A talented artist and painter, Judy had a particular fondness for collecting cobalt blue pieces and Native American art, reflecting her heritage. However, what mattered most to Judy was her family. She was the glue that held them together, a devoted caregiver to many. Judy was preceded in death by her parents, Arnold Keen and Sarah Grace Keever; husband, Gary Evans; and son, Tim Thrailkill. Survivors include her children, Shane (Betty Ann) Thrailkill, Angel Aycock, Brian (Teena Short) Thrailkill, Dedra Thomas, Melanie (Shane) Hough, Melissa (Philip) Beauchamp, and Ricky (Yvonne) Evans; sister, Sherry Van Heusen; brothers, Bruce Keever, Danny Keever; sister-at-heart, Betty Britt; several grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and extended family. A memorial graveside service for Judy will be held 1 o'clock, Friday, October 4, 2024 at Fairview Memorial Gardens. In honor of Judy's life, we invite you to leave your memories, share stories, and upload photos to her memorial page. Your reflections will serve as a comfort to her family.
Show your love and support to Judy's family by adding your name to Judy's Guest Book.
In Remembrance Of
Judy Vaughn
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